Nadiyah Rizki Suyatna

Indonesian Hijab Artist Circle

Year Active: 2016

IG: nadiyahrs

Nadiyah is an aspiring young artist, started her artworks in 2016 and has done some nice Hijab based artwork. I accidentally found her art on twitter, and gave a thought on her art as she does nice Hijab Art mixed with modern fashion style. She also does commission works and easy to communicate with on social media (twitter).

Q n A

Question: What is your Art name?

Nadiyah: nadiyahrs

Question: Where are you from?

Nadiyah: Indonesia

Question: When did you start drawing Hijab based Artworks?

Nadiyah: 2016

Question: Where did you usually publish your Hijab Artwork?

Nadiyah: Instagram/Twitter


Question: Being Hijab based Artist, do you often view your Artworks as a method of Dakwah?

Nadiyah: Maybe

Question: How do you usually draw?

Nadiyah: Sketch first using pencil on paper, later inking / coloring, when finished upload on IG / Artpage. Sketch using digital software / app, coloring too.

Question: Whom is your source of inspiration for Hijab related Artworks?

Nadiyah: Sara Alfageeh

Question: What would be your favorite color when drawing?

Nadiyah: I just color with anything according to my feelings

Question: Favorite brush style / stroke / coloring?

Nadiyah: Watercolor Paint Brush, Oil Paint Brush, Pencil, Inking Pen (usually mix between them)

Question: How introvert are you IRL?

Nadiyah: 95% Introvert (I do not like human contact or face-to-face communication much)

Question: What’s your favorite Anime /Cartoon / TvShow?

Nadiyah: Avatar: The Last Air-bender

Question: Do you have any particular music, music artist that you like?

Nadiyah: Adhitia Sofyan

Question: How about past time hobbies? other than drawing Artwork

Nadiyah: Reading books or casual online reading

Question: Do you have pets at home?

Nadiyah: Rabbits, Hamster, Snake and other reptiles