Indonesian Hijab Cosplayer
Salam and Hi, Welcome to our Hijab Cosplay Website's Online Interview! Tell us briefly about yourself in your own words that is related to how you started to cosplay.
Hello, my name Aprillia Indah Norrosita. I am Hijab cosplayer from Jepara, Central Java, Indonesia. I started my journey of Hijab cosplay from 2019 because I joining Anime community in my town until now and i still active on my social media. I'am in 21th years. and I love cosplay hehehe
Hijab Cosplay Online Interview with Aprillia
Q1: Do you have a special name, or cosplay name?
Yes i have, April Utsukushi on my social media.
Q2: When did you start to cosplay / hijab cosplay?
January 2019
Q3. Question: How long have you been in the cosplay community?
3-5 years
Q4: Do you have a Cosplay page?
Q5: Most of your props are DIY?
Q6: What is your most favorite Anime? Cartoon? or Tv-Shows
I love Hatsune Miku ♪(๑ᴖ◡ᴖ๑)♪
Q7: Do you still recall of whom inspired you to venture and further improve your Hijab cosplay?
Ai Nurul from Malaysia, and my senpai in community Chaca senpai
Q8: Do you do your own cosplay hijab style or do you get inspired from other hijab cosplayers?
Yes, at first it was a challenge. But that doesn't stop me.
Q9: How many hours (or days) did you spend on average to complete one set of cosplay?
Depends, sometimes I tried my own styling and it look nice.
Q10: How many hours or days did you spend on average to complete one set of cosplay? you may elaborate if you wish to (ie: making the dress, props etc. before going to event)
2 hours.
Q11. Do you have secondary socmed account?
Q12. Where are you from?
Q13. What is your most favorite Cosplan? Since cosplayers usually has a few Cosplans in a year, here you can tell which one is your most favorite cosplan and why
Hatsune Miku, because it look so cute every cosplayer try that.
Q14. Do you also draw your own artwork?
April Utsukushi
Q15. Do you currently have a favorite Husbando / Waifu?
Hatsune Miku is virtual idol. I love her song her voice and her costume. Ihave husbando is Kuran Kanname in anime Vampire Knight (my first anime)
Q18. Do you have other past time hobbies?
Play with cats
Swimming, Hiking or other sports
Anime, Tv Shows or Watch Television
Japanese Drama or Jpop Music Video
Social Media (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter)
Q19. What made you join the Cosplay?
I wanted to cosplay as the characters that I liked
I like the ACG community because it is never boring
I find cosplay interesting, and love the challenge in making new costumes
It is fun and to get involve with other Cosplayers, while making new contacts
I got dragged into this by someone I know, but it seems fun so I stick around for now
I felt that cosplay is a method to escape reality, to release stress from school or work
I like the feel of being fabulously well known among my peers & it boosts my self-confidence
Q20. What type of hijab style you have tried before and even using now on a daily basis? (Bonus Question)
Simple Hijab Style
Modern Hijab Style
'Instafamous' Hijab Style
Q21. What do you think of hijabcosplay .com?
It looks simple, I like it.
Good platform for hijab cosplay like me. I hope this page dapat menjadi lebih besar dan dapat mengenalkan hijab cosplay ke semua orang ^^
Q22. Suggestion
Aprillia: Apakah page ini ada halaman tersendiri di facebook? jika ada itu akan sangat luar biasa.
Mumu: mm buat masa sekarang, masih di website hijabcosplay.com sahaja, sebagai introduksi kepada hijab coser yang baru minati dan ingin tahu perkembangan dunia cosplay.
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